We’ll share our top tips and words of wisdom so you can decide whether the world of eBay is for you.
Do you have the time and energy required?
If you’re rushed off your feet as things stand, trying to launch and maintain your own eBay shop will be tricky. You might be best holding off and waiting until you have plenty of time available as you don’t want to jeopardise the success of your current business. Setting up an eBay business might seem simple enough, you can usually build your own store in an hour or two but you need to plan things out carefully.
What stock do you need?
You need to decide what you want to sell on your eBay store and do some research to make sure that there’s a market for it. Select a small range of items to begin with, perhaps the most popular products on your market stall or shop and if you have stock that you’ve been struggling to shift, you could also try and see if it sells better online. You need to be ready to package and post items as soon as they’re sold, buyers won’t be willing to sit around and wait days so you’ll need to be ready to go as soon as the first order pings through.
Our bestselling items for eBay include:
Women’s Panti Girdles – several styles available, click here to check out
Seamless Control Underbust Full Slip – popular all year round, click here to check out
Seamless Control Vest – try to promote alongside the control leggings or full slip to maximise sales, click here to check out
Seamless Control Leggings – six sizes available, click here to check out
Learn how to sell yourself and your products
Once you’ve got a list of items you want to sell, you need to come up with product descriptions containing key words (as this will be used to bring you up in searches). You need to have a flair for creativity, so that your items stand out from the rest so think about the photography, don’t just take a blurry picture on your phone and load it up. See how other retailers word their product descriptions and learn from the best. Your pricing structure needs careful consideration, eBay buyers tend to be very fickle and don’t display loyalty in the same way physical customers do. If you want to be the cheapest, consider how much you’ll make per item, you don’t want to be losing money.
Strive to be the best
Only buy products from manufacturers that you can trust, you don’t want customers to be disappointed with the quality and end up having to refund them and deal with negative reviews. This can impact not only on your eBay business but also your stall or shop too if they’re linked by name.
We strive to be the best manufacturers in the North West and beyond. Click here to check out our full range of wholesale socks, hosiery, nightwear and underwear or alternatively, call into the 1st Impressions showroom in Manchester.